House as an Organism
Irem Deniz Albayrak, Ayda Güven & Ilknur Aydin

© Irem Deniz Albayrak, Ayda Güven & Ilknur Aydin

© Irem Deniz Albayrak, Ayda Güven & Ilknur Aydin

© Irem Deniz Albayrak, Ayda Güven & Ilknur Aydin
The increase in greenhouse gases and the unstoppable warming of the world will cause us to become unable to live outdoors. For this reason, within a century, the continuation of the human race passes through self-sufficient, living cities that function like organisms. We envisioned a sustainable future with a city under a shell equipped with solar panels, which isn’t effected by external factors with its own atmosphere. With the thought that it is not possible to design a house in the future without considering the urban phenomenon, we started by designing the future first and went down from housing design to furniture design with the same self-sufficient and living design concept. Self-sufficient cities can be located on the world, on Mars or even on the sea.
We designed our building around a core supports the building with vertical circulation and 3D printer. The 3D printer prints all the structures from a material formed by the combination of the wastes produced in daily life and the raw materials of concrete such as sand and reuses those structures as building materials when they are not used.
A housing structure that is self-sufficient and shaped by the users inside, was designed. The walls of the house were made of smart glass to support the usage according to the needs and wishes of its users. Walls can be turn into a computer, tv, canvas or even to a photo album. The main spaces of the house has been divided into four. First, seating area for socialising and working space. Second, kitchen witch is basically a 3D printer for food and a dining space. Third, a farm area for nutritions witch will be used by 3D printer and lastly an enterence and a WC. In this period, where all designs can be carried out with artificial intelligence, architects will design templates for artificial intelligence to chose and built the design that best fit the needs of the user.