Mahek Ruparelia

© Mahek Ruparelia

© Mahek Ruparelia

© Mahek Ruparelia
The museum of emotions is interpreted as a museum of drama, which as an art form relies on emotion and storytelling to engage the audience. This helps to give a functional aspect to spaces of subtle emotions along with paying tribute to an important lost art. Theatre is a huge part of our culture, right from Natyashashtra to dramas propagating independence. The essence of drama that any actor aims to achieve is the journey of emotions that they want the audience to experience- the Navrasa .The museum aims to make the visitors experience this journey of emotions.
Site chosen is one of existing cultural importance- Sanskruti kunj. It hosts the Sanskruti kunj fair where during the daytime, artwork and crafts are exhibited, while during the night time dance, drama and music shows are organised. The area bears a landscaped stage and features a tri directional seating arrangement/ amphitheatre to enjoy the cultural programs. The fair happens once a year only, the museum will allow it be used throughout the year attracting a crowd of all economic and age groups.
The order is thought of carefully after comparing multiple options. Warmth at the beginning to give a warm welcome. Fear, being an overpowering emotion is a transition space and not a functional gallery space. Courage is the ability to overcome fear, after which there is a sense of satisfaction and self-confidence. Anger and disgust are two emotions that can work together because an incident that angers one might disgust another. Anger also is designed as a pathway because of it being a strong emotion. The journey allows expression and experience of all emotions - even anger and disgust recognizing them as normal, human emotions that play an important role for being mentally happy. The space of laughter comes after these spaces, creating a lighter mood. A ramp takes one to the space of transcendence and awe amidst tree tops creating a sense of awe and wonder, bringing in hope. The journey ends with the space of tranquility allowing time to reflect and bring a sense of calmness before getting back to life. The space of tranquility is on the edge of the plaza that is shared with the space of warmth (entrance). This plaza at ground level allows the use of spaces of both these positive emotions without taking the entire route making it a more accessible as a public place. Between all these spaces gardens suitable as per terrain and emotion are created using existing trees to create buffer spaces.