Alicja Smoczyk, Iwona Kin & Pawel Mordeja

© Alicja Smoczyk, Iwona Kin & Pawel Mordeja

© Alicja Smoczyk, Iwona Kin & Pawel Mordeja

© Alicja Smoczyk, Iwona Kin & Pawel Mordeja

© Alicja Smoczyk, Iwona Kin & Pawel Mordeja
Having explored the architecture surrounding us, we noticed the disparity between how the rooms and the communication between them are designed. That is - less consideration is given to the latter. The circulation systems appear to be designed to fulfil their necessary function: moving people and goods through the building, omitting their impact on users’ emotions. Exploring that tendency further, we wanted to implement inversion and try reversing the traditional hierarchy by putting the main focus on the building’s passageways. The sequence of passages placed one after another creates a path that simulates the circulation system of a building, evoking particular emotions in a visitor by using specific combinations of features. The order is arranged in such a way that makes their reception clearer and apparent through the contrast between the following emotions.
You begin your journey. No clear destination, and even less direction. You appear at the entrance of a mysterious building. Driven solely by inner instincts you decide to enter the cryptic construction.
You feel disoriented, trying to decide which way to choose. After taking a few steps, you come across more divergences, each just as ambiguous as the previous.
When you enter the transitional room for the first time, you don’t feel anything in particular. There’s “confusion” written on the screen in the very middle of it. You can’t see the following step until you circumvent the informational panel.
The sight of giant stairs immediately fills you with annoyance and anger. You begin the climb, feeling your heart rate rise with each leg lift.
Ahead of you- a corridor with a turn at the end. There’s a grain of hope that you will finally see some light when you pass it. But there is, in fact, no outlet, so you need to return to the neutral room to find your next step.
To pass on to the next neutral room, you need to go down a slide. You can’t recall the last time you were doing something so unusual for an adult. You smile inside and slide down.
Having entered the following passage, you feel a tiny drop of sweat falling down your forehead. Blood starts pulsing in your veins, and a sudden rush of adrenaline strikes. Trying not to look down, you pass through the emptiness surrounding you.
You’re not sure how long you have been going or where you are. You see a turn, thinking it is finally the end, but when you reach it, only more stairs appear.
A breath-taking view spreads out before your eyes. All the negative feelings start to fade, replaced by peace.
The steps themselves are wide and gently sloping, inviting you to take your time as you descend. Through the window, you see a sweeping view of the surrounding landscape.
Your journey has come to an end.