Synthetic Natures
Miriam Loescher, Elizaveta Karpacheva, Sharon Sarfati

© Miriam Loescher, Elizaveta Karpacheva, Sharon Sarfati

© Miriam Loescher, Elizaveta Karpacheva, Sharon Sarfati

© Miriam Loescher, Elizaveta Karpacheva, Sharon Sarfati

© Miriam Loescher, Elizaveta Karpacheva, Sharon Sarfati
Synthetic Natures
Red. Shining red, subtle pink, berry red, neon pink, hibiscus pink, salmon orange, fuchsia purple and all the red-purple colors were making Alice feeling like in ecstasy. So many shapes, so many routes and stairs that she could climb! Alice did not know where it was exactly that she was going, but something was telling her this was fun and she will find out later. Purple, red, berry red, purple, light, shadow, light, shadow, and she was on another platform. - Oh, this is really high, where I am at - I can see so much from this point! - -But it doesn't help much, because we don't know where we are - consciousness said. - well, but wasn't it fun? you can’t deny that! – sub-consciousness didn't want to be left behind. - Yes, it was a true labyrinth - Alice replied. - But where to go now? -
-Go Left. - consciousness said.
-Why? - Alice asked.
-Because….. - consciousness was taking its time to define the reason, when subconsciousness jumped in with no hesitation: - It feels right. -
Alice was feeling a little confused, but aren't we all a little confused at a time? So she took the opportunity and went left.
Well, this was new to her. Violet shapes that surrounded her were suddenly high and stable, so she thought - this feels like a shelter, isn't it lovely, how the space hugs me? - As she went, the shimmering light kept dancing on the surfaces of the shapes, so she touched it -How soft and neat, and it's looking nearly like marble, but it is not cold at all, that's so oddly beautiful! - Alice thought.
She liked the touch so much that she kept on walking with her hand on the surface. Each step at a time she was passing these voids, more and more light was in the way and suddenly she appeared to be above ground again. Awkwardly, she felt very calm, so she wasn't even shocked or surprised, when the space continued to evolve into something very curvy, elegant, subtle, harmonic… something she would surely describe as supreme. The brilliance of the space kept amazing her. This time she did not pass through, but rather went in a more circular movement and she could get a new and even more brilliant view each time, as the shapes and spaces were interlacing each other and also interlacing out- and in- side. Something that looked like its a wall suddenly became a floor, or even a roof. Alice liked it very much. - This is a wonderful place to be, very excellent - this time consciousness and subconsciousness agreed.
For us, to design a space that can heal the mind it was crucial to know how the mind works.
Neuroarchitecture is a term describing the relationship between spaces and humans, through the lenses of neuroscience. The process of design is derived from principles that are explored through human experience of architectural spaces, as the outcomes of the designed atmospheres have a physical impact on the nervous system, hence the physiology of the brain.
Our research project lays on this understanding of humans and space, throughout the Prisma of a geometrical shape, color, light and sound. Based on Neuroarchitecture research, combined with architectural Theories, such as Friedrich Kieslers’ one about humans and space*. In our project we examined the correlation between humans and space through four main triggers - sound, light, color and shape. Our methodology is associating the reaction of the user with the trigger in the physical space, which is directly translated to a specified design parameter in the project.
Our vision was to create an exhibited park experience through an atmospheric landscape. Movement, sequencing and making decisions based on purely subconscious processes are crucial. Our systematic implementation of the design was defined through three main routes of experience, each aimed at triggering a specific physical reaction in the user. The routes were designed on a leveled-up scale of complexity, intensity, openness and size, and each of them is characterized by our vision and reflects the principles of the neuro-research approach we took in the project.
Red one, as Alice described Excitement, is vivid, playful, exciting, intensive and interactive. It is supposed to trigger a positive adrenaline reaction in the user, stimulating him/her to be fully wrapped in the surroundings with all senses (due to complexity of the structure, colors and light settings) and explore the space either on two, or on all four limbs, creating a grown-up playground.
The next was Calm. Simple yet big elements, steady, not moving or wandering, simply sitting there. Here the atmosphere is supposed to be orderly, expected, linear and this is underlined with being mirrored twice - once in the overall symmetry, and second time in water surface. This is expected to trigger the organism to produce oxytocine and thereby making the user feel secure, secluded and safe.
The last one is Superb. Open, flexible, intertwining with surrounding nature, supposed to provide triggers for serotonine and dopamine production. No space here can be described as fully closed or open, rather as a gradient layering of both of the surroundings in a way of blending that complements each other. Joy and serenity are yet another descriptions.
With this, we try to put a stressed human through curious environments with different qualities, which should supposedly trigger the brain in a specific way in order to better the inner world and mental state. To connect person with his/hers inner voice by detaching him/her from the outer world. Is this truly working like this? We can't say, as the reaction of an organism is defined by far more factors than the direct scientific research based on outer impulses - but we can try.
Is this real or fully imaginary? Everyone can decide for himself.