The Amphitheater of Time and Space
Kyle Zimmerman, Michelle Mack & Jun Lee
© Kyle Zimmerman, Michelle Mack & Jun Lee
© Kyle Zimmerman, Michelle Mack & Jun Lee
© Kyle Zimmerman, Michelle Mack & Jun Lee
The Amphitheater of Time and Space is a conceptual architecture based on the music of Michael Kobrin's "The Introvert." The space features two prominent structures, named Life and Death, that encapsulate a small orchestra pit and interpretive area within a park-like setting. The space is both a metaphorical representation of the song and a literal venue in which to perform it.
The space was designed by considering a traveler moving through time and space while the song, "The Introvert," plays as a soundtrack to their movement. As the traveler steps onto the entrance pathway, the song begins to play and guides them through the space until their journey ends on the other side, looking towards the setting horizon. The two main structures, Life and Death, symbolize the beginning and end of the traveler's journey through the space. The structures are familiar to each other in shape but different in how they are used within the area. Life is elongated to project sounds from the orchestra pit out towards the center of the space. Death rises up like a wave and keeps the sound from escaping. The two structures are in constant opposition to each other but achieve harmony through the acoustic design of the park.
The park area includes other metaphorical elements to guide the traveler through the continual ebb and flow of life. Large sand pendulums hang from Death to symbolize the perceived control of time. Four of them mark the changing of the seasons. Large boulders surround the orchestra pit to be used as seating for an audience. There are 24 boulders to represent the 24 hours in the day. The traveler experiences a greater understanding of the space while listening to the song.