The Usual
Kowsar Mohammadi & Sarbarz Chireh

© Kowsar Mohammadi & Sarbarz Chireh

© Kowsar Mohammadi & Sarbarz Chireh

© Kowsar Mohammadi & Sarbarz Chireh

© Kowsar Mohammadi & Sarbarz Chireh
Usually, abstract art is known with Wassily Kandinsky as its first major Artist, although the process to reach that point has been started long ago, with artists trying to step out of art boundaries of their day, like romantic artists or impressionists, or compromising with societal boundaries, like religious rules that obliged them not to depict real models and visible world.
In architecture, abstract art emerged as Architectural expressionism, deconstructivism, futurism, and neo-futurism, etc. All of them sought abstract manifest in their forms; the unpredictability, expressing emotions through form and attempts to a new design. It also had a very important role in modernism, metabolism, and other movements. But as it was said, the concept of unconscious participation in architecture was not a new subject. Abstraction and the tendency to construct a different new world have been a fundamental part of Architecture since the very first moment since primitive human beings felt the need for some space more than what nature so far had offered them as a shelter. From the earliest days of human life, when he wanted to escape nature’s claws, he shaped the abstract world within his mind and built it on earth, and created architecture.
The act of defining spaces with simplest forms, a pattern of columns or straight clear lines of sunlight, and creating room for one’s own, all of them are somehow unique and abstract. It’s our way of life that happens to need abstraction to remain human, and architecture as an art maybe is the most effective one on this. The word abstract can be considered an evolution of the Latin word abstrahere, (trahere or tragh- meaning draw/drag/move) and (ab- meaning off / away from). “Abstrahere” means drag away, detach, pull away, diver. Given the etymology, there are always the real object or concrete universe that ideally exist in the mind or beyond the mind and the world in the imaginary world which the abstract world must distance from it. But it should be noted that the mind does not exist a priori, before nature. It is pure existence that is projected into the metaphysical universe by the human mind. But we want to show that architecture can add a new meaning to the word.
Architecture can be considered as the whole history of human life and evolution, therefore, it has formed the whole mental and objective structure of human beings and has also been influenced by them.
Trying to approach Space as a psychological-sensory substance with multiple dimensions, time, place, material, light, weather, social aspects, etc.; we thought of a Pavillion-Playground that plays with the user’s mind and body, to feel material and step away from reality with his/her own feet. We considered mixing the exciting features of urban space with the abnormality of our work, this way we could use the benefits of the unexpected ever-changing reality. Hence by preserving the duality of abstract concept through the pale body of architecture, one might feel the weight of space on his shoulder, as he’s passing by.